Inside my brain

random thoughts

Monday, November 21, 2005

Ok. it is offical, they are now tring to RUSH the xmas spirit. Xmas trees are now for sale BEFORE the first day of school. BEFORE halloween. Then last night on tv the movie "A Christmas Story" was on tv. Ummmm it is not even Thanksgiving. Then today A.j and I were on our way back to work from wal-mart and guess what....there is now a station on the radio that is playing xmas songs. HELLO it is MONDAY the mad xmas shopping does not start till firday at 5am when all those crazy people are standing outside of the stores forming lines just to try to get that bargin, and stand in a 1 hour plus line just to check out...when all these crazy people can be doing is staying home IN BED sleeping!!!! Just mad I tell you. I did that shopping thing a few times and it was just not worth it. Lines, grabby cranky people because they did not get enough sleep the night before, they been up for almost 48 hours tring to get that perfect turkey dinner down. I wonder how many people this year are going to start riots in walmart over what ever toy is the most popular. Oh thats another thing...why is eveything sooo over priced and they just break with in 3 a arm and a leg and just to watch it smarty pants was it worth the wait in the ugly lines dealing with all those cranky ass STAY HOME!!!
Next while I am on this shopping rant....lets talk....I was just scanning the tv. We have dishnetwork and there is this channell that is broadcasting the new release of the xbox 360 all over the US. And the part that amazes me is that they are treating it like a New Years Eve party in time square. My lordy it is just a gaming system. The games are over rated in price. And if you let your kids sit infront of it too long they become demands...just ask me I know. they even have a freak'n clock in the corner for the count down till midnight because at midnight they go onsale....geesh...go to bed a few months they will be all over the place...but you gotta stand in line just to say you were one of the first to get a new xbox 360. those people must have no life.
Welll now that I have ranted about xbox and xmas before the season...I shall return to my non bitch mode....
Good note...I finally got the update sort of from Matt. And to boot I talked to him on the phone tonight :) Its sad that he is going through hell alone over in Germany but he hopes to be moving back to the states. I do not have all details but time will tell. Another good thing he told me is that he is out of the service. Even tho he still does work for the goverment he is no longer in the army!! Phew do not have to worry about him going to war over seas...even tho he is over seas. It only took me a year to get my update.... But I was glad to hear he is doing well.
Well gotta run...


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